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The Kingdom of God is at hand! (Mark 1:15)
What does that even mean?
WEEK ONE (approximately 1-1.5 hours)
Introductions to your small group and general overview for the Developing A Kingdom Mindset Module. Set small group goals, meeting times & dates, and general introductions.

WEEK TWO (approximately 1-3 hours + small group meeting)
VIDEO 1 | Introduction: Kevin McCall kicks this module off with an overview of the importance of a Kingdom Mindset.
VIDEO 2 | What do we believe?: Anne Trufant and Kevin McCall teach on how to renew our minds to think more like Jesus.

WEEK THREE (approximately 1-3 hours + small group meeting)
VIDEOS 1, 2, 3 | The Kingdom of God: Barbara Heil invites us to further ponder the Good News that Jesus came to restore His Kingdom to us. What IS the Good News? What is this Kingdom
Jesus keeps talking about? And what did Jesus mean
when He said – “The Kingdom of God is in your midst?” (Luke 17:21 NIV)
WEEK FOUR (approximately 1-3 hours + small group meeting)
VIDEOS 1, 2, 3 | How Do We Enter The Kingdom?: Tom Holloway tells us: “The Good news just keeps getting better and better as we enter the family business.” We will explore God's invitation to be a son/daughter of a loving Father and begin to walk in His idea of relationship with Him.

WEEK FIVE (approximately 1-3 hours + small group meeting)
VIDEOS 1, 2, 3 | Jesus Is The Model For The Kingdom: Tom Holloway teaches us how Jesus exemplifies the Kingdom mindset. We will study how His life, teachings, and actions serve as the ultimate blueprint for living according to God's Kingdom values.

WEEK SIX (approximately 1-1.5 hours)
Wrap up and next steps for your small group. Together, your small group will process this module and discuss ways to move forward in the journey.


Weekly small group meeting (1 - 1.5 hours)
With your small group and facilitator, you will discuss the videos/teachings for the week, process the reading assignment, and build faith community. Meetings will be via Zoom or in-person based on group's preference.

Weekly Videos/Teachings & Reading (1 - 3 hours)
Each participant will be asked to watch 1 - 3 videos per week ranging from 10-30 minutes per video. Note taking is highly encouraged. There will be a weekly companion PDF that highlights the overall theme per week, important Scriptures, and other pertinent references to help the participant. The reading assignments will be 1-2 chapters from the book, Catching Fire: Becoming Flame by Fr. Albert Haas.

Kevin McCall

Anne Trufant

Barbara Heil

Tom Holloway
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